Kevin Rudd’s betrayal

Yesterday Kevin Rudd announced that the planned target for Australia’s carbon reduction scheme will probably be 5% by 2020. The Garnaut report which Rudd himself commissioned recommends 5% per year.

So today I am spending my lunch break demonstrating on the steps of parliament house at a rally organised by the greens. It would be great if anyone else wants to come as well. Here’s the details:

11am – SA Parliament House, North Terrace, Adelaide, TODAY

If you voted for Rudd either wholly or partially on the basis of his climate change stance, then you are about to get shafted. You can either bend over and take it or you can get up and do something about it.

Kevin Rudd in parliament

Edit: I just got back from the rally
It was a lot of fun! We all threw our shoes at a simulacrum of Rudd in a parody of what happened to Bush recently.

5% protest photo 5% protest photo 2 5% protest photo 3

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